Voluntary self-control
Voluntary Code of Conduct of the german advertising standards council on commercial communication for alcoholic beverages
The German Advertising Federation ZAW e.V. represents 43 associations and organisations from the advertising industry, the retail sector, the media, advertising agencies, advertising professions and market research.
It acts as a spokesperson for the advertising industry and as such communicates all basic policy positions. As the umbrella organisation of the industry, the ZAW is the “round table” for formulating the joint policy agenda and balancing the different interests within the advertising industry. (www.zaw.de)
The German Advertising Standards Council is the self-regulation body of the advertising industry. Above and beyond the field of legislative activity, it also settles conflicts between companies engaged in advertising and consumers.
The aim of this self-imposed limitation is to promote responsible, commercial communication and to identify and eliminate shortcomings.
The German Advertising Standards Council is an institution of the 43 organisations representing advertising companies, the media, agencies, advertising professions and research represented by the German Advertising Federation (ZAW e.V.). It is supported by all relevant market participants from the advertising industry (www.werberat.de).